Updated 08-30-2021
The GameDriver 2.0 release represents a major step forward in the evolution of automated testing for gaming. This release includes fixes for known issues, new APIs and features, and a new approach to testing in multi-deployment environments; allowing testers to write tests once and execute them on multiple platforms with little to no changes. Below is a list of the changes in this release.
It is required to remove all previously-installed GameDriver components from your Unity project in order to use this release. For detailed instructions on how to install GameDriver, please see this article.
Added Android execution support
Now you can deploy and test against Android build targets, including emulators and physical devices via the Android SDK or an Appium server. To enable communications with the device, you need to issue the command:
adb forward tcp:19734 tcp:19734
This forwards port 19734 from your machine to the emulator or device running the GameDriver agent, allowing you to connect on localhost:19734. Replace 19734 with whatever port you are using for the GameDriver agent. To remove port forwarding after a test (if needed), run the command:
- New API notation. Eg:
ApiClient api = new ApiClient(); api.Connect("localhost", 19734); api.WaitForObject("//*[@name = 'Capsule']"); api.RotateObject("//*[@name = 'Capsule']", new Vector3(5,2,-1)); api.MoveMouseToObject("//*[@name='InputField (TMP)']", 300); api.MoveMouseToPoint(new Vector2(0, 0), 4000);
- Expanded AutoPlay to support multiple Unity game instances and multithreading. These are all generally the same thing when running on localhost. If you use a *, it will broadcast and any Unity Instance running on your network could respond with games that are playable via AutoPlay plugin. Supports Regular expression for matching a specific game when you have multiple instances running.
api.Connect("localhost", 19734, true); // Connects to a running Unity Editor. AutoPlay = true is the default api.Connect("localhost", 19734, false); // Connects to a standalone build (no AutoPlay to Unity Editor) api.Connect("*", ".*?myunitygame.**"); // Connects to any running instance of the Unity editor on the local network (broadcast) with the project name of myunitygame api.Connect("localhost", ".*?myunitygame.*"); // Connects to any running instance of the Unity editor on the local machine with the project name of myunitygame api.Connect("localhost"); // Connects to any running instance of the Unity editor on the local machine api.Connect("*"); // Connects to any running instance of the Unity editor on the local network
Note that launching the agent is not supported across hosts and that it is required to set the project into a running state first.
- Updated SetInputFieldText() so that it calls the InputMethod text fields for standard or TMP Pro InputField.
api.SetInputFieldText("//*[@name='InputField']", "Hello GDIO API"); api.SetObjectFieldValue("//*[@name='Text']/fn:component('UnityEngine.UI.Text')", "text", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- New GetObjectDistance API for measuring the distance between two objects. This method calculates the distance using vector subtraction, which compares all three position properties.
- New TouchInput API for simulating touch input. Refer to the API documentation for usage details.
- New object caching API to help reduce the frequency of which object queries are performed. Use EnableObjectCaching to enable the cache, and DisableObjectCaching to disable. FlushObjectCache can be used to clear the cache if needed.
- CallMethod now supports native types for public and private game methods. Use CallMethod<T> to execute methods attached to game objects using various types and formats Examples:
// void return type api.CallMethod("//*[@name = 'Capsule']/fn:component('KeyTest')", "TestMethod1",null); string ksahdfksh = api.CallMethod<string>("//*[@name = 'Capsule']/fn:component('KeyTest')", "TestMethod2", null); int skjhdfkjlah = api.CallMethod<int>("//*[@name = 'Capsule']/fn:component('KeyTest')", "TestMethod3", null); int[] skjhfjshks = api.CallMethod<int[]>("//*[@name = 'Capsule']/fn:component('KeyTest')", "TestMethod4", null); bool sdiuejd = api.CallMethod<bool>("//*[@name = 'Capsule']/fn:component('KeyTest')", "TestMethod5", new object[] { 7 }); bool agd7hgh = api.CallMethod<bool>("//*[@name = 'Capsule']/fn:component('KeyTest')", "TestMethod5", new object[] { 9, 3 }); // void return type api.CallMethod("//*[@name = 'Capsule']/fn:component('KeyTest')", "TestMethod6", new object[] { new string[] { "game","driver","io" } });
- Added a tracing level to the logging which shows the commit hash for major components, which is useful for troubleshooting. Enable by adding the following line to GDIO/Resources/config/gdio.unity_agent.config.txt:
<logging><trace enabled="true" /></logging>
- Access Agent and Api version information via ApiClient.GetVersionsString
- All input-related methods now have a boolean WaitForEmptyInput=true/false argument, which is default to true for synchronous input. Set to false for asynchronous input.
- MouseDrag now accepts Vector2 as coordinate input. Example:
MouseDrag(Api.MouseButtons.Button, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, ulong frameCount);
MouseDrag(MouseButtons.Button, Vector2 destination, ulong frameCount, [Vector2 origin = null], [bool waitForEmptyInput = true], [int timeout = 60])
- GetObjectPosition now returns a Vector3 object representing the x, y, z coordinates. Use .ToString or .x, .y or .z methods to extract individual coordinates.
- ClickObject has changed from (object, mouse button, duration) to (mouse button, object, duration) for consistency
- Added a Camera argument to GetObjectPosition and RayCast commands, allowing you to override the default Camera.main when more than one Camera exists in a scene.
- gdio.license has been renamed to gdio.license.txt for ease of use with external readers. The license file should now be saved to the Assets\GDIO\Resources folder of your Unity project.
- EnableMouseHooks and EnableKeybordHooks have been replaced with EnableHooks(HookingObject), which now includes KEYBOARD, MOUSE, GAMEPAD, TOUCHINPUT, and ALL) options. Likewise, DisableKeybordHooks and DisableMouseHooks have been replaced with DisableHooks(HookingObject).
- GetObjectFieldValue now supports native object types, such as the primitives: string, int, float, and bool as well as translation classes such as color, vertex, and transform. Certain containers such as List and Dictionary are also supported. Type is dependent on the target object, component, and field. For example:
String invisCube = api.GetObjectFieldValue<String>("//*[@name='HiddenCube']/fn:component('UnityEngine.Behaviour')/@isActiveAndEnabled");
Note: Object types supported by GameDriver are representations of their UnityEngine equivalent in order to keep them light and independent. These are implemented in the gdio.common.objects namespace.
- GetObjectList now returns additional information as a gdio.common.objects.LiteGameObject. Example usage:
// Pull a list of the scene objects System.Collections.Generic.List<LiteGameObject> objects = api.GetObjectList(); //Test whether the list is null Assert.IsNotNull(objects, "GetObjectList failed!"); //Print a full object list foreach (var obj in objects) { Console.WriteLine("Object Name: " + obj.Name); Console.WriteLine("Object Tag: " + obj.Tag); Console.WriteLine("Object Position: " + obj.Position); Console.WriteLine("Object Rotation: " + obj.Rotation); }
Object Name: GameDriver
Object Tag: Untagged
Object Position: (0, 0, 0)
Object Rotation (w): 1, (x): 0, (y): 0, (z): 0
Object Name: Cube
Object Tag: MovementCube
Object Position: (0, 0, -700)
Object Rotation (w): 1, (x): 0, (y): 0, (z): 0
Object Name: Main Camera
Object Tag: MainCamera
Object Position: (0, 0, -800)
Object Rotation (w): 1, (x): 0, (y): 0, (z): 0
Object Name: ReturnButton
Object Tag: Untagged
Object Position: (793.5, 383, 0)
Object Rotation (w): 1, (x): 0, (y): 0, (z): 0
Object Name: Canvas
Object Tag: Untagged
Object Position: (0, 0, 0)
Object Rotation (w): 1, (x): 0, (y): 0, (z): 0
- New Logging Control. To enable logging, you will need to register to receive logging events in the client (test). To do so, simply add the following to your test script, or substitute with your own output method as desired.
ApiClient api = new ApiClient(); // This should already be part of your test api.LoggedMessage += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); };
- Removed GDIOBuildProcessor.dll, which is no longer required.
- Fixed an issue where the text property of a TMP Input Field object appends an unprintable Unicode character on the end, making it impossible to query the field from within a test. Now when doing string comparisons, by default, users have the option to ignore that code point. Configure via a new config value in GDIO/Resources/config/gdio.unity_agent.config.txt:
<unicode><ignoreZeroWidthSpace enabled="true"/></unicode>
Note this setting is not applicable to GetObjectFieldValue<T>, which is intended to capture the precise value of the field, including unprintable characters.
As always, we welcome feedback via the support forums, or by emailing [email protected]